1 min read

The Ripple Effect of Meaningful Work

The Ripple Effect of Meaningful Work

Being in the service industry providing professional websites and search engine optimization work for clients, I don't think I quite considered the effect that creating something that is a blessing to others would have upon me. It wasn't until launching our Noah's Ark game for toddlers on App Store and Google Play that I then stood still enough to realize what's been going on all these years.

When I consider a luxury pool company we served and how our SEO work helped them land a pool install for someone who found them searching on Google (and not through a paid ad), that's a big win (and huge ROI for the pool company).

When I consider the multitude of websites made and how it's led to increased revenue and impact through consistent organic traffic monthly for some of them (that purchased a bigger package that included SEO work), that's a big win.

I've always been in a state where I'm ready to serve, but never did I stay still enough to take to heart the effect of the work of my (and our team's) hands .

Now it's not just a contractor's website that has been made, but instead, a multitude of lives that are positively affected because those lives are finding a contractor that works with integrity and excellence as opposed to finding someone that may potentially do them a disservice.

Now it's not just optimizing of a website for search engines being made, but instead, a multitude of lives that can now learn a new craft because they're finding a website that answers their questions relating to their curiosity of their newly discovered craft.

Our work has a ripple effect, and that ripple effect can be either good or bad based on the level of excellence employed in its doing.

What meaningful work have you been doing that has had a ripple effect unbeknownst to you?